If one requires excess sleep, it is a sign of an unhealthy body. So, watch out for the symptoms of over sleeping, and if you find any, then do not hesitate to find the solution as soon as possible.
To get a good night’s sleep is necessary, but too much of sleep can be linked to a lot of diseases. From heart diseases to diabetes, there may be a number of medical reasons which may be responsible for people sleeping too much.
There are certain experts who have stated that depression and lower socioeconomic status are the two broad reasons for people oversleeping.
One should also be aware of the symptoms of too much sleep. It is recommended that on observation of any of these symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor for getting treated in time.
◣ Symptoms
◾ Headache
When one sleeps too much, one is likely to experience a lingering headache the next day. This may or may not last throughout the day. It gets very annoying and painful. If this happens on a regular basis, chances are that the headache may turn into something chronic and painful. Thus, too much sleep and headache are related.
◾ Fatigue
Oversleeping can make one feel fatigued and tired throughout the day. Regular fatigue which cannot be pinned on any other reasons, could be caused due to oversleeping. It also makes one tired. One does not feel fresh and most of the day he/she is listless and dull.
◾ Mild Depression
Depression is another symptom. Feeling dull and listless can cause depression. If this is not treated in time, this mild depression can blow out of proportion. If one feels a little depressed for no reason at all, it could be due to oversleeping. It is recommended that one avoids it, so that he/she does not to fall into a greater depression.
◾ Sleeping Disorder
One can easily start getting affected by sleep disorders when he/she oversleeps. Oversleeping for a day or two, does not change one’s sleeping cycle. However, when it is continued for a long time, it is not difficult to get affected by sleep disorders.
◾ Lack of Concentration
If one continues to oversleep for a number of days, one would find difficulty in concentrating at the task at hand. Lack of concentration is also one of the symptoms of too much sleep. There is a certain listlessness and dullness that one faces for the entire day, due to over sleeping. This causes the problems with concentration. If one finds that he/she cannot focus on their daily activities, then he/she may be showing the symptom of the same.
◣ Effects
◾ Diabetes
Diabetes is an important side effect of sleeping too much. Almost 50 per cent of the people who oversleep, are at a greater risk of getting affected by diabetes.
◾ Obesity
Needless to say, oversleeping can lead to obesity. People who oversleep tend to gain a lot of weight. This weight gain is also a result of the sluggishness that they face. This sluggishness induces them to eat more, thus increasing the weight.
◾ Back Pain
Back pain is the result of inactivity caused due to oversleeping. If not treated in time, this back pain can increase into something critical.
◾ Heart Diseases
When there is oversleeping, there is no activity. This inactivity is an invitation to various heart diseases. Needless to say, heart diseases can turn fatal when they are ignored and allowed to grow.
As mentioned earlier, seven to eight hours of sleep is enough for healthy people. If one feels that he/she is not fresh after eight hours of sleep and feels like having some more sleep, it is necessary to consult a doctor for the same. The doctor may be able to diagnose the problem. It is necessary to get treated in time. Hence, do not hesitate to go to the doctor on observing any of the aforementioned symptoms as this problem may affect one’s overall health. Also, timely treatment can prevent a bigger problem.
Disclaimer: This SleepHearty article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.