Lack of sleep can affect your personal and professional life and trigger various health problems. While there are many medicinal ways to cure insomnia, one of the natural remedies is using pressure points to induce sleep. This article discusses the pressure points that you can press to induce sleep.
In Traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed that the healing force of life flows within us, and we can manipulate it to treat certain problems, including sleep disorders. This ancient Chinese remedy uses certain points on the body to induce sleep. Those troubled by lack of sleep know that it can be a debilitating experience, affecting your memory and judgment. Seeking a cure in modern medicine is not always advisable as sleeping pills prescribed by doctors can lead to dependency, and in some cases, fatal addiction.
There are several natural cures that you could explore and one of the most effective options for them is the use of acupressure points. All you have to do is massage some points on the body for treating problems. There are certain hospitals in the United States which have introduced this alternative healing technique to support their treatment plan, and many people prefer this technique over modern medicine.
Technique to Locate Acupressure Points
In acupressure, the unit of measurement to locate the points on the body is called cun. This technique is based on the understanding that each person has a different body shape and size, and one standard unit cannot locate the acupressure points in everyone. Therefore, each person uses his/her own body measurements to locate the exact point.
Locating the Exact Accupressure Points

(a): The width of the interphalangeal joint of your thumb is 1 cun.
(b): When you bend your middle finger, the distance between the first and second crease at their widest point is also measured as 1 cun.
(c): The first two fingers — index and middle finger — account for 1.5 cun.
(d): The distance between the tip and the proximal interphalangeal joint of the index finger is equivalent to 2 cun.
(e): The width of all the four fingers of the hand joined together, accounts for 3 cun.
Pressure Points to Induce Sleep
The technique is similar to acupuncture, but instead of using needles, you can apply pressure on the points with your fingers, hands, and elbows to alleviate your problems. Most of the points can be stimulated yourself, so you don’t necessarily have to go to someone else for treatment. There are certain points that can be used to induce restful sleep by just massaging them for short period of time.
Pericardium 6 (PC 6)
The Chinese name for this point is Nei Guan. The English name for this point is Inner Pass. This pressure point is located 2 cun below the wrist crease on the inner side (as shown in the image below), and is known to calm the heart and spirit.
How to Stimulate the PC 6 Point
✦ Locate the point by measuring 2 cun below the wrist crease, in the middle of the arm.
✦ Place the thumb of your other hand on the point, and press it.
✦ Gently massage in slow rotatory movements.
✦ You may also press the point directly for a minute or two.

Heart 7 (HT 7)
The Chinese name for this point is Shen Men. The English name for this point is Spirit Gate. This pressure point is located on the wrist crease in line with your little finger (as shown in the image below), and is known to calm the mind and heart, especially when surrounded by anxious thoughts.
How to Stimulate the HT 7 Point
✦ Locate the point by holding out your hand in front of you, with your palm facing the ceiling.
✦ Place the thumb of your other hand on the point, and press it.
✦ Gently massage in slow circular movements, while applying moderate pressure.
✦ You may also press the point directly, or continue to massage for 5 minutes.

Heart 7 (HT 7) is one of the points located in the heart meridian of the body. Acupressure associates this point with insomnia caused by anxiety. The stimulation of this point eases the mind, strengthens the spirit, and regulates the heart by curbing the palpitations caused due to over thinking.
Kidney 1 (KD 1)
The Chinese name for this point is Yongquan. The English name for this point is Gushing Spring. This pressure point is located on the sole of the foot in the depression under the ball of the foot between the second and the third metatarsal bone (as shown in the image below). This point is known to renew and vitalize the mind and body, thereby clearing the mind and draining all the exhausting energies from it.
How to Stimulate the KD 1 Point
✦ Sit on the edge of your bed by lift your left foot and rest it on the knee of the right leg. This position will help you see and locate the point easily.
✦ Do not bend over, keep your back as straight as possible. Place the thumb of your other hand on the point, and press the point to a degree where the pain is bearable.
✦ Gently massage in slow rotatory movements. You may also press the point directly for a minute or two.
✦ Repeat the aforementioned steps with the other foot.

Kidney 1 (KD 1) is one of the points located in the kidney meridian of the body. It is the only acupressure point located at the sole of the foot. The stimulation of this point has a calming effect on the body by enabling it to relax by eliminating all the restlessness, thereby inducing a peaceful sleep.
Kidney 6 and Urinary Bladder 62 (UB 62)
The Chinese name for these two points are Zhaohai and Shen Mai, respectively. The English name for these points are Shining Sea and Extending Vessel. These pressure points are located the inner and outer sides of the legs, near the ankle area. The point Kidney 6 lies 1 cun below the medial malleolus (malleolus is the bony protrusion on either sides of the ankle), while UB 62 is located in the depression found below the external malleolus (as shown in the image below). Both these points are massaged together to calm the mind and create a sleep conducive mental state.

How to Stimulate UB 62 and KD 6 Points
✦ Sit on the edge of your bed lift your right foot and rest it on the knee of the left foot. This position will help you see and locate these points easily.
✦ Do not bend over, keep your back as straight as possible. Place the thumb of your other hand on one point and the middle or index finger on the other point.
✦ Press the points to a degree where the pain is bearable. Gently massage these points for a minute or two and take long and slow deep breaths.
✦ Repeat these steps on the other foot.

Gallbladder 20 (GB 20)
The Chinese name for this point is Feng Chi. The English name for this point is Wind Pool. This pressure point is located on both sides, in the area where the neck muscles attach to the base of the skull (as shown in the image below). It is known to be one of the most useful acupressure points when it comes to treating insomnia.
How to Stimulate the GB 20 Point
✦ This point is located on depression found on both sides at the base of your skull. Place your thumbs on these depressions found on either side. Bending your head slightly forward, and then backwards again, would help you feel these depressions easily.
✦ Place your thumbs on the GB 20 points and press them firmly. Close your eyes while doing so.
✦ Gently massage in slow rotatory movements. You may also press the point directly for a minute or two.
✦ Take deep and slow breaths.

Urinary Bladder 10 (UB 10)
The Chinese name for this point is Tian Zhu. The English name for this point is Celestial Pillar. This pressure point is located on both sides of the thick muscle at the nape of the neck (as shown in the diagram below). This point lies very close to GB 20. Please observe the diagrams carefully to avoid confusion. Like GB 20, the stimulation of this point is also effective for relaxation required to induce sleep.
How to Stimulate the UB 10 Point
✦ Place your thumbs on the points on both sides of the nape.
✦ Press them firmly applying pressure till the pain is easily bearable. Close your eyes while doing so.
✦ Gently massage in slow rotatory movements. You may also press the point directly for a minute or two.
✦ Take deep breaths. Inhale long breaths, build up for a few seconds, and release the breathe slowly.

Governing Vessel 16 (GV 16)
The Chinese name for this point is Feng Fu. The English name for this point is Wind Mansion. This pressure point is in the middle of the nape of the neck, located 1 cun above the posterior hairline (as shown in the diagram below). This point is known to be helpful in clearing the mind from the unwanted fearful thoughts causing insomnia.
How to Stimulate the GV 16 Point
✦ Place your thumb on this point while closing your eyes.
✦ Press the point firmly applying pressure till the pain is easily bearable.
✦ Gently massage in slow rotatory movements. You may also press the point directly for a minute or two.
✦ Take deep breaths during the process.

Governing Vessel 16 (GV 16) is one of the points located in the governing vessel (also known as ‘Du Mai’) meridian of the body. This point can also be abbreviated as Du 16. It is considered to be the main wind point, hence the English name, ‘Wind Mansion’. GV 16 is also the point where the Governing Vessel, Yang Wei Vessel, and the Urinary Bladder Channel intersect together, making it one of the prominent points for treating various health issues, including insomnia.
Liver 3 (LV 3)
The Chinese name for this point is Tai Chong. The English name for this point is Great Surge. This pressure point is located in the depression found in the junction between the first and second metatarsal bones (as shown in the diagram below). Liver 3 (LV 3) is the calming point of the troubles associated with anxiety, anger, irritation – all of these being counted among the main causes of insomnia.
How to Stimulate the LV 3 Point
✦ Place your thumb at the depression found between the first two metatarsal bones.
✦ Press and firmly apply pressure till the pain is easily bearable.
✦ Gently massage in slow rotatory movements. You may also press the point directly for a minute or two.
✦ Repeat the aforementioned steps with the other foot.

Spleen 6 (SP 6)
The Chinese name for this point is Sanyinjiao. The English name for this point is Three Yin Intersection. This pressure point is located 3 cun above the tip of the inner ankle bone, next to the shin bone (as shown in the diagram below). This point especially helps in calming the stress affecting the abdominal region, which is one of the causes of disturbed sleep.
How to Stimulate the SP 6 Point
✦ Locate the point by measuring 3 cun above the tip of the inner ankle bone.
✦ Place your thumb at the point and press firmly. Apply pressure till the pain is easily bearable.
✦ Gently massage in slow rotatory movements.
✦ You may also press the point directly for a minute or two.
✦ Repeat the aforementioned steps with the other leg.

Conception Vessel 17 (CV 17) and Governing Vessel 24.5
The Chinese name for these two points are Dan Zhong and Yintang, respectively. The English name for these points are Sea of Tranquility and Hall of Impression, or the Third Eye. Conception Vessel 17 (CV 17) is located at the center of the chest, the middle point at the same level of the nipples. The governing vessel 24.5 (GV 24.5) is located in the middle of the two eyebrows (as shown in the image below). Both these points are massaged together to calm and quiet the mind and body.

How to Stimulate The CV 17 and GV 24.5 Points
✦ Sit comfortably in a quiet place. Use one hand to press GV 24.5, and the other to press CV 17. Place the tip of your index or middle finger on each point. You will observe a notch in the point GV 24.5.
✦ For GV 24.5, press the point firmly till you feel a gentle pulse. Do not press hard at any point.
✦ Try to focus your energy into these points, and feel the quietness and calmness within and around yourself.
✦ Take slow, but deep breaths, meditating on these points. Hold the points for 1-2 min.

The stimulation of both these points (CV 17 and GV 24.5) has a tranquilizing effect on the body. While CV 17 relieves the body from tension and sadness, GV 24.5 stimulates a feeling of calmness and wellness. Stimulating both these points allows one to relax and delve into a blissful and spiritually calming sleep.
Some Other Tips to Help you Sleep
Apart from stimulating the acupressure points mentioned in the section above, there are certain techniques that will help you get a peaceful sleep. These are simple to do and can prove to be extremely effective.
Massage Your Wrist
Our wrist consists of various acupressure points which are located in the area equivalent to the width of the first two fingers. Stimulate these points by holding the wrist enclosed with your thumb and middle finger. Circulate around the wrist to stimulate them and experience relaxation.
Massage Your Fingers
The tips of our fingers consist of acupressure points that can help in relieving tension by generating a soothing and calming effect on the nervous system. Gently rub the tips of each finger to stimulate these points.
Stretching relaxes your body and releases all the built-up tension in the body. Therefore, it helps in inducing sleep, especially when done before stimulating the pressure points.
Disclaimer: This article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as a replacement for expert advice. Kindly consult a physician before proceeding with this technique. Caution is needed in case of certain health issues.